Amongst the problems faced by Employers were that employees often lacked the Communication Skills to function effectively at the workplace. Through our Training methodology of a combination of lectures, classroom engagements and conversations, video presentations, impromptu and formal presentations followed by feedback and assessments, trainees were able to grasp the essence of how to communicate clearly and effectively by learning the methods and skillsets which were taught in the easiest settings for them to implement immediately. This one-day course enhanced the trainee's confidence and their ability to function more effectively at the workplace and improved job performance.
- Identified the components of communicating effectively.
- Recognized the different types of audience and chose an appropriate communication method.
- Applied different styles of communicating for various workplace settings.
- Self assessed and measured the effectiveness of their communication.
- Enhanced their communication skills to improve on their job performance.
- Communication in a nutshell
- Different types of communication for workplace
- Non-verbal communication
- The people factor - knowing your audience
- Communication delivery styles
- Practical application
- Measure effectiveness
- Keypoints to ensuring a smooth communication